Friday, 22 April 2016

Two cats, no van

So today I picked up our baggages out of our van Gigi. She is being stored with a very nice man named Dave in a tiny town called Kilanerin.

She smelled all delicious and log cabinny inside. Sigh. So sweet. It's hard to believe I've had to sell her again without ever having driven her anywhere for an adventure. I was kind of sad about it, but, well, things are as they are. Yesterday Facebook reminded me that one year ago I posted about first falling in love with her ad. So, that's kind of symmetrical and perfect and interesting, owning her for exactly a year. Now the dream has to revise.

We have tried about 25 ways to find insurance for a Canadian driving a campervan she bought in Ireland... no dice. No way, Jose. Forget it.

So, the nice man named Dave is going to sell her for us. (donedeal, the website where a person would sell such a thing, refuses to allow me to post because my gmail seems to be Canadian, I guess) says he won't even take any commission, because he figures we've had enough bad luck and he just thinks, what if the shoe was on the other foot? That's very kind of him.  A lot of Irish folks think that way. I am fascinated and delighted by how little they appear to worry about money. They certainly don't take money from other people, anyway. They always seem to believe they will have enough. And they're right. They do.

Her vehicle inspection has expired, of course, because we were supposed to be here last year. He-who-delayed-us would perhaps get some satisfaction from that? It certainly reduces her price. Shrug. It will all be fine. Money's only money. I have been offered some work this week, maybe I'll take it and then we'll have more money.

It's funny though, I haven't really thought of it as bad luck.  It's just a change. I don't regret having bought Gigi. She helped us keep the dream alive through the long hard winter of court and uncertainty and feeling kind of like we were in jail, being forced to attend school and not to be where we wanted to be. So I don't regret buying her at all. I'm glad to have had my year of loving Gigi.

It is, of course, a little sad that we'll have to discard some of the things we brought over. We can't possibly carry all that we brought. But we brought all our favourite things. They're just things after all. We'll manage.

I wonder what will happen?
Will we, indeed, get bicycles with panniers as some have suggested we should?
Will we reduce to backpacking size and hike?
Will we find a car and a way to insure one?

Anyway, our blog title is kind of off-base now. We're twocatsnovan not twocatsinavan but never mind. :) Call it humour.

And we're still having an AWESOME time. This is, indeed, the life I was hoping for. Living in a dairy, exploring castles and paths and fields and doing good hard physical work, is great. And the occasional interesting offer of work is just perfect too.

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