Monday, 8 August 2016

13 layer birthday cake -- while on the road!!

When Boy was 5, I made him a five-layer cake. This year he jokingly said he wanted a 13-layer cake.

I'm always up for a challenge.

To add to the difficulty, we are on the road! I don't have a kitchen of our own.

However (a-ha!) I have a friend who has a candy-making workshop. This homeschooling friendship was formed thus: I met her around town, and I mentioned to her at the farmer's market that I'd love it if we could help her in the workshop some time, so she gave us a few days' apprenticeship! And she's been a good friend our whole time here as well.
So for the 13-layer cake, I asked her if she'd make us up a batch of marshmallow fresh-in-the-bowl. I had of course offered to pay for the batch of marshmallows, but she declined in the end, calling it her contribution to the birthday, which was very kind.

Then I bought an armload of cookies. 19 different kinds. I am not a storebought-cookie-buyer, in general. However... boy wanted a 13 layer cake!

Then we stuck them together with the marshmallow. Here are the raspberries, cooking.

Helena is straining the seeds out. Yarrow objects. He thinks he wants the seeds. She has the decades of candy-making experience. She wins. :)

The concrete mixer: to whip the raspberries, sugar, and gelatin into marshmallowy awesomeness, it takes ten minutes or so in this massive industrial mixer. (She makes marshmallows every day, and selsl them, justifying this massive machine, which I understand are not necessarily available to all people!)

Which turns it into fluffy pink wonderful stuff. 

In the past we always had birthday Lego. This kind of served a double-purpose that way. Cake AND birthday activity!

Thirteen layers happened. :) Here are some of them. 

And finally, the candles and the boy and the table and the people! There he is, all 13 years of him. It's cool that he made his own crazy cake, too.

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